Sticky Rice with Mango

Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Yields: 4 Servings
Time Rating:
Ease Rating:


Wash rice and cook using a rice cooker, use the water measurements specified by the rice cooker.


While the rice is cooking, bring coconut milk (1 Cup), sugar (1/3 Cup), and salt (1/4 Tsp) to a boil while stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Then remove from heat and cover to keep warm.


Once the rice is cooked transfer to a bowl and mix in the mixture from earlier. Cover and let sit for 30 minutes before serving.


Optional Sauce:


After finishing the main instructions, grab a small pan and boil the remaining coconut milk (1/2 Cup) with the remaining sugar (3 Tbsp) while stirring occasionally. Boil for one minute.


Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool until slightly thickened, serve as a topping.
