Bread Bowl

Prep: 40 mins
Cook: 35 mins
Yields: 4 Servings
Time Rating:
Ease Rating:


Add the yeast, sugar, and salt to a bowl. Add warm (not hot) water to the bowl and mix. If you are not using instant yeast then let sit for a few minutes until it foams.


Add the flour and then start kneading. Knead until all the flour has been incorporated, at first you will think you need more water but you will not. Once kneading, oil the bottom of the bowl and let sit for 30 minutes or until the dough has doubled.


Once the thirty minutes are over start preheating the oven to 350°F. Divide the dough into fourths, this may seem small but the dough rises much more than expected. Knead the dough and place on a baking sheet, smooth the top, use water if needed, and then slash an X on the top with a knife.


Once the oven has preheated, bake for 30 minutes, once the time is over, set the oven for 500° F and bake for another 5 minutes, this will give the bread a very crispy outside which will hold in the soup.


Once the bread is done, let cool a little and then cut the top with a sharp knife like you would cut a pumpkin to be hollowed out. Eat the top or set aside for dipping into the soup. With either a spoon or your hand (be careful not to burn yourself) hollow out the loaf, making sure not to get too close to the sides. Add soup and enjoy.
